Thursday, June 26, 2008


Earlier this month when my grandmother was visiting from Buffalo, NY, she and my mom and I were sitting around a table looking at the Sunday ads from the newspaper. I was looking at a Target ad when I saw a girl that looked like this posing with an exercise ball:

I asked my mom and grandma, "When you guys were younger, were girls so obsessed with having a nice stomach?" It seems to me that every girl I know is always trying to do crunches and go to the gym and eat less and less in order to have these treasured "ABS."

My mom replied, "We didn't even know girls had abs."

Hahaha. I thought that was so classic. And so true. How many women do you really know who have a stomach like that? Even girls I know who are constantly working out usually don't look like that. I can only think of one girl I know who has defined abs, and that's because she's on the university soccer team and is really active all the time. And why do you think that is?

I think it's because we aren't supposed to look like that. Ashley was telling me that every woman naturally has that patch of fat on their tummy below their belly button to protect their uterus. Makes a lot of sense. Just in case you get bumped around a little, you will still be able to have children. So, it also makes a lot of sense why it is so hard to get rid of, and why women have to literally fight their bodies to get rid of it. It's because we are supposed to have a little fat there.

So, I started thinking, if it's supposed to be there, then I'm not in such a hurry to get rid of it. I'd rather look healthy and not overly muscular.

1 comment:

N.Y Photography said...

This is funny.
I came across your blog looking for pictures of "girl abs". -- that sounds funny.
I'm 20 years old, and I don't work out at all. Not that I'm proud of it, but I'm being honest.
Anyways, this summer I have set a goal for me, just to prove that I can do it. My goal? A four pack.
Hehe, and here you are saying that girls bodies are built for that! :P
I actually don't think they are either.. I started to build up muscle on my stomach, but it seems to be budging out in a way, and not sleek and cut into "4 packs"

Your mother's reply is hilarious! I guess we're just so obsessed with our image and bodies these days..