Thursday, June 26, 2008


I just picked up my paycheck from my cashier job. I was expecting a pretty big one, because I thought I worked a lot during that pay period, but unfortunately it was smaller than expected. Bummer. This whole paying-rent thing is making saving for Argentina (or even just saving for the school year to come) really hard. But I guess it's only June. I'm sure it will all work out just fine. I guess I just thought I'd be half rich by now since I've been working 6 days a week. Haha. But I really can't complain. I have all of my needs met (and more) and my bank account is slowly growing.

I think I'll definitely have to work a little bit during the school year, but that's ok. It's been nice not doing that and concentrating on my studies these past 3 years, but this semester I'm taking a slightly lighter course load (or so I hope--I'm taking a couple really hard classes like econometrics and a couple easy ones like Italian 101). So anyway, working shouldn't affect my grades too badly.

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